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Gemini Monthly Horoscope


- July 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    The major influence of this month is the Sun-Moon sextile until the 11th. This is favorable for reconnecting with old friends or reconsidering your daily routine. You're feeling motivated and full of energy, take advantage of it to reorganize your living space. But beware of the Moon-Saturn square from the 4th, it can generate unexpected stress or frustrations. Don't let these obstacles deter you, adapt and stay resilient! Why not try a new relaxing activity like yoga or meditation?

  • Your love life

    In a relationship, old memories tenderly surge under the influence of the Moon in conjunction with Venus on the 6th, a chance to rekindle passion. It is also the perfect moment to reconnect with your partner. Single, it's a beautiful period to enjoy your friends and your freedom. However, beware of the Moon square with Saturn starting from the 4th, which could bring a feeling of isolation. Why not plan an outing with friends on that day to counter this sentiment?

  • Your career

    Your talents stand out, particularly with the Sun sextile Moon until the 11th. You shine in your daily conversations and tasks. Be prepared, this recognition could jostle the established order around mid-month. Beware of the Moon square Saturn from the 4th, ensure you manage your stress well and take care of yourself. By the end of the month, your energy regains its balance thanks to the Moon conjunction Mars. A perfect moment to wrap up projects or to get a head start on the upcoming ones.

  • Your finances

    The first day of the month brings a favourable sign for your finances with the Moon sextile Venus. This is a propitious time to reevaluate your non-essential expenses and steer your savings towards your long-term goals. Have you ever considered investing in books or training to enhance your skills? Mid-month, the Moon square Saturn may prompt you to exercise a touch of financial caution. As the month draws to a close, harness the dynamic energy of the Moon in conjunction with Mars to carry out a small profitable project or sell unused items in your home.

  • Your wellbeing

    The beginning of the month appears harmonious with the Sun sextile Moon. It's an opportunity to take care of yourself, your body, and your mind. Why not try out a new physical or creative activity? However, the Moon square Saturn from the 4th might bring about a downturn in energy. Don't fret, it won't last! Schedule moments of relaxation to offset this somewhat gloomy period. By the end of the month, the Moon-Mars conjunction brings energy and dynamism. It's the perfect moment to actualize your personal projects!

  • Your astro-dates

    On the 4th, heed the Moon square Saturn, a perfect day to take care of oneself and evade stress. The 6th is defined by the Moon-Venus conjunction, setting an atmosphere conducive to forging strong ties, whether in love or friendship. Toward the month's end, precisely on the 30th with the Moon-Mars conjunction, you receive an extraordinary energy boost to utilize for executing your plans. Forge ahead on that day!

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