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Libra Monthly Horoscope


- February 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    The dawn of the month is marked by a square between the Moon and Mercury (February 1st), where tensions may surface in communications. It's a time to take a step back, keeping clear of turbulent debates. Subsequently, with the Moon in sextile to Venus (February 2nd), a vibe of love and harmony is ushered in. Seize the moment to rejuvenate your living space, adding personal touches that mirror your soul. This will aid you in embarking on this new cycle on a positive note, primed for the forthcoming challenges.

  • Your love life

    Come mid-month, seize the lunar alignment with Venus (February 16th) to cultivate joy. Singletons, don't desperately seek love, as it's sometimes closer than you might think. Strengthen your friendly ties, devote time to your passions. Love can also be found in these precious moments. For those in relationships, break free from the routine! Create unique moments together and savor them. Happiness lies in these small details that you build as a duo.

  • Your career

    New prospects on the horizon! Amid the turmoil of professional life, stay the course. Touting your achievements around February 3rd, when the Moon is in sextile with Mars, could unlock valuable doors. Toward the end of the month (February 26th), the lunar opposition with Neptune serves as a reminder that not everything is a matter of appearances. Stay true to yourself, your values are as important as your skills. Don't overlook the small details, they could make all the difference.

  • Your finances

    The Moon conjunct with Venus (February 7) beckons you to pay heed to life's pleasures. Giving purpose to your expenditures, especially towards activities that bring you joy, will reshape your understanding of money. Do you feel a discord between what you earn and what you give? By adjusting your course around February 16, you will rediscover financial harmony. And remember, the most priceless wealth is that which can't be bought.

  • Your wellbeing

    A sudden dynamism invades you this month! Around February 15, the Moon-Jupiter conjunction offers a welcome boost of energy. However, avoid tapping too deeply into your reserves. Take regular breaks. Prioritize quality time with your loved ones to lighten your day-to-day life. This month highlights your social relationships, which will benefit from a renewed authenticity. Maintain a positive attitude to face the upcoming challenges! Remember, everything is possible with a strong self-confidence...

  • Your astro-dates

    February 8th will be a day of brilliance with the Moon in conjunction with Mars. Mark down February 15th, a Moon-Jupiter conjunction amplifies your vision and strengthens your relationships. Finally, February 21st will mark a turning point, with the Moon in opposition to Pluto urging you to reconsider some of your goals. Stay open and flexible, these challenges are tremendous opportunities for growth and evolution!

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