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Leo Monthly Horoscope


- March 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    Mars and Venus, planets of dynamism and pleasure, rendezvous in Aquarius mid-month, injecting an uncommon surge of energy into your daily life. This alliance stimulates your creativity. Why not channel it to refresh your living space? The last week witnesses a Moon-Pluto opposition: savor the tranquility of your home to dodge external conflicts. Do you sense a newfound serenity with this arrangement?

  • Your love life

    For couples, the Moon in opposition to Pluto on the 19th will be a time to fortify your bond through a shared endeavor. For the singles, seize this period to reunite with your loved ones. It's the ideal time to arrange a getaway with friends. By month's end, Mercury in Aries might well jumble your routine. Who knows? A new love could spring forth from an unexpected encounter. Are you ready to welcome change?

  • Your career

    Caught between the demands of everyday life and work, you're seeking balance. Take advantage of the Moon-Pluto opposition around the 19th to develop new organization strategies. You'll find it easier to find your stride and enhance your efficiency. It's also the time to rethink your priorities: prioritize projects that hold meaning for you. At the end of the month, Mercury in Aries could very well herald an unexpected opportunity. Stay alert and don't hesitate to seize your chance!

  • Your finances

    The onset of the month is the perfect juncture to ponder on your upcoming investment. A crucial aspect, Mars and Venus in Aquarius around the 10th, hints at fresh alternatives for diversifying your wealth. You're about to unearth inventive ways to boost your treasury. As the month draws to a close, a surge of benevolence might impel you to back a friend in need. Experience this as an enrichment rather than a financial burden - wealth isn't solely monetary, is it?

  • Your wellbeing

    The alliance of Mars and Venus in Aquarius will be a veritable wellspring of energy from the start of March. Make the most of it by exploring breathing techniques to amplify this vitality. Around the 19th, the opposition of the Moon and Pluto could make your sleep lighter. A bedtime ritual may promote restorative rest. Lastly, the arrival of Mercury in Aries at the end of the month will stimulate your curiosity and desire to learn. So immerse yourself in a captivating book! Have you noticed a positive evolution in your mood throughout the month?

  • Your astro-dates

    On the 10th, Mars meets Venus: a surge of energy rekindles your creativity. Use it to bounce back on your ongoing projects. On the 19th, the Moon-Pluto opposition might stir up tensions with those around you. Strive to stay flexible and open to conversation. Lastly, the 11th marks Mercury's entrance into Aries: it's the time to undertake a new study or training that enthuses you. Do you feel spurred on by these opportunities?

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