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What is the focus for Pisces in 2019?

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Uranus must have modified your financial situation in 2018, you had to adapt to an unexpected situation and face a major choice. Your intuition might have warned you before it happened, you could have foreseen the event and acted accordingly.

2019, with Uranus changing signs on March 6, Taurus and Uranus will shake the boat, you might have difficult contacts with your siblings and neighbors as well.

Uranus will retrograde from August 12 to January 10, 2020, this is when the situation in the family could get out of hand. Choose your words carefully if you want to avoid troubles and misunderstandings.

Pluto will stay in Capricorn all year, it will select new friendships you can learn from. It will work as a tool for understanding and growth. You will surprise yourself as much as others as your tastes will change, your direction as well.

Pluto will retrograde from April 24 to October 3, you will have to be patient and to follow the flow, even if you don’t like been directed. You will surely learn something in the process.

Neptune, your ruling planet, is and stays in Pisces all year round, you will be motivated and well inspired, you will easily express your art and your creativity will be boosted.

Keep your feet on the ground though, don’t think you are the genius, everybody has expected.

Neptune will retrograde from June 21 to November 27, you will be less resilient then. Don’t rely on your addictions for escaping what you don’t want to see, you will face your problems, anyway.

Saturn stays in Capricorn its own sign, in 2019, your seriousness will impress your close ones, you will be reliable and consistent. And therefore, very much appreciated. You will be more restrictive and demanding with friends.

Saturn will retrograde from April 29 to September 18, this is going to test the validity of your new choices and new endeavors. You will know if you took the right path.

Jupiter occupies its own sign, the Sagittarius, during 2019, you will work with ease and you will feel lighter. There will be a relaxed atmosphere at the office and you will enjoy your partners and colleagues. It will be fun to work for you.

Jupiter will retrograde from April 10 to August 11 this means that nothing is gained, and you will have to put some efforts, if you want to maintain such an idealistic environment.

2019 is a year of deepening, your relationships will be more stable and your working condition, more satisfactory. And you will surely be able to realize a long-term goal!

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