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Saturn turns direct at 2o Capricorn on September 6th, no more pressure!

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This is excellent news! Saturn has been rocking our boat and blocking our way since mid April and finally goes direct in Capricorn on September 6th.

This will be followed by an intense feeling of relief and freedom. We will be able to move forward and put our plans into action. While retrograding, Saturn took his time to make sure you learnt a lesson. Once you’re done with Saturn’s lessons, things won’t bother you again in the future.

Mercury entered in Virgo the day before, and will offer a much needed hand in understanding the full picture and making sure to pay attention to details.

The two planets situated in Earth sign will connect and provide serious thinking and solid planning. Nothing will be left unchecked or incomplete, all matters will be taken seriously with caution and much wisdom.

It is the perfect time for realizing what has been prepared and organized beforehand. It is a positive period after a very unsettling summer. The eclipses are over and most planets are back to Direct motion.

It is a time of liberation from blocks and frustration that have tested our desires and clouded our direction.

While Saturn was retrograding, we had plenty of time to revisit our relationship, to work on our long-term goals and to rethink our duties and responsibilities.

Now, it is time for action. It is time to restructure our reality and to find new ways to clear problems and obstacles.

Uranus is nevertheless part of the scenario at this time, we can expect restrictions and unpredictable reactions. At this stage, we understand clearly that our actions will have consequences and this might be scary but we’re ready for the big jump.

Mars which has turned direct on August 27th in Capricorn, will give us a boost of energy and some strong will. Things that have been waiting completion will start to move forward in September.

During this period, from September 6th to the 22nd, your mind will be sharp and will focus on what is really relevant.

You will be able to express your needs clearly as your thoughts will be organized and slowed down.

How to take advantage of it:

It is the proper time to

  • Correct and improve your diet
  • Start a new physical practice or new sport
  • Make “to do” lists
  • Make realistic time lines
  • Get organized and ready for the work year

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