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Gemini Yearly Horoscope


- 2023 -

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    The beginning of the year is synonymous with change. Venus inspires you and you feel ready to build. Commitments become more concrete. Saturn gives you the opportunity to invest in a personal project. At heart, you prefer long-term relationships to passing flirtations. Professionally, new prospects are opening up for you.


    You push back your limits by making solid decisions to secure your sentimental and professional future. You seize your chance and anticipate your actions. Mars will help you to resolve a situation and keep your promises. Materially, you'll start afresh on a more solid footing. Pluto will help you close a chapter.


    In the grip of contradictions, you may well feel emotionally destabilised by external influences. Turbulence is on the horizon, and it's going to be difficult to get through it. A financial issue will need to be sorted out. As for your heart, you'll have to cut to the quick. You can't procrastinate any longer.


    Your energy is boundless, and your personal projects are in the spotlight. Neptune erases painful moments. On the professional side, a contract is signed or a new job materialises under the benevolent eye of Mercury. In your heart, a situation will be resolved. In all sectors, Venus is making things easier. You're gaining in confidence!

  • MAY

    The planets help you save energy. May is a month of weariness, with doubts prevailing over certainties. In your heart, you're invited to put events into perspective. You'll see the situation in a new light. On the business side, you prioritise your actions and act with a clear conscience.

  • JUNE

    A 180-degree turn. You open yourself up to new adventures. In June, you become more methodical. Materially, you redefine your objectives. In your heart, you're cultivating the present moment, but there's a risk of relationship problems. Pluto is adding fuel to the fire, and friction could re-emerge.

  • JULY

    You'll attract a lot of attention, and the pleasures will increase tenfold. Professionally, you're making a quantum leap. You're fortunate to benefit from positive planetary influences. Jupiter encourages your efforts. At heart, you're in a real love bubble. Effusions and tenderness are the order of the day.


    You set the bar very high! Your standards are higher than ever. At heart, August boosts your desire to please and love. Seduction is at its peak, and you're multiplying your encounters and invitations. Professionally, you're learning to tame time. Get involved in a cause you hold dear.


    Ready to take on new challenges. On a personal level, you're becoming emancipated. Materially, you're avoiding superfluous expenditure. Keeping a close eye on your expenses, you're ready to make certain concessions in order to maintain a balanced budget. On the business side, you'll be looking for a change of scenery this autumn, and your sights are set on entrepreneurship!


    Prospects are clear. Thanks to some good news, you're beginning to look to the future with a more positive outlook. In your heart, Mercury teaches you to be nuanced. You'll be able to sprinkle a little lightness into your love life! On the professional front, you're learning to develop your intuition for success. Your actions will be long-term.


    You skirt around obstacles with brio and change your approach. In your heart, Venus liberates your feelings. You sweep aside daily pressures with a wave of your hand. Trade in your old habits for a healthier lifestyle! As for vitality, you're ready to take control of your diet. Set your sights on well-being and fulfilment.


    The end of the year is a good time for you, as you reap the rewards of your efforts and are brimming with ideas! You make a point of giving life to a collective project. You'll sniff out new opportunities and impress those around you. In your heart, you decide not to control your emotions any longer, and you live your love life unfiltered.

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