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Leo Monthly Horoscope


- February 2024 -

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  • Monthly vibe

  • Your month

    The alliance of Mercury with Pluto from the 4th to the 12th of February beckons you to communicate differently. Innovative and brave, you veer off the beaten path, drawing notice. Beware of mid-February! The opposition of the Moon and Venus threatens to spawn misunderstandings. Gentleness and patience will then be required to sidestep needless clashes. Strive to be more mindful of others' feelings during this delicate period.

  • Your love life

    Love is in the spotlight. The initial weeks are prime for expressing your emotions and drawing attention. If you're unattached, seize the chance to rekindle old friendships or devote time to your favorite pastimes. Then, starting from February 21st, tread lightly: the Moon in opposition to Pluto could stir up minor tensions. For those in a relationship, don't let misunderstandings get the upper hand. Sincere communication can work wonders. If you're single, remain patient and true to yourself. Your inner light shines brightest when it's authentic.

  • Your career

    The heavens favor discourse. Seize this opportunity to clear up misunderstandings. Professional challenges beckon you to demonstrate creativity. From February 4th, bank on your audacity with Mercury in conjunction with Pluto. Mid-February, a precarious alignment between the Moon and Venus calls for caution in your collaborations. As the month draws to a close, tensions ease their grip, fostering a calm and constructive end of the month at work. Stay flexible and open to unexpected opportunities that may arise.

  • Your finances

    As Mercury dances with Pluto until February 12th, the time has come to add a dash of spice to your life. But have you considered the impact on your budget? Remember, it's not necessary to spend in order to enjoy yourself. Revel in the comfort of your own home, invite friends over instead of going out. This too is a part of serene financial management. Especially from the 21st onward, when the Moon in opposition to Pluto will make things delicate. So make sensible choices and enjoy in simpler ways!

  • Your wellbeing

    The wind chills your bones yet ignites your mind. The energy of Mars in Capricorn on February 13th electrifies your thoughts: it's time to dive into a new book. However, the Moon squaring Neptune might sow confusion in your perceptions. Make sure to set aside some alone time to ponder and rejuvenate your worldview. Well-being also lies in intellectual fulfillment. Seize the chance to explore new perspectives!

  • Your astro-dates

    Circle February 8th in your calendar, for the conjunction between the Moon and Mercury encourages dialogue. On the 21st, you might feel the weight of the Moon-Pluto opposition: a significant inner transformation could take place. And finally, the grand moment arrives on the 23rd: Mercury transits into Pisces, unleashing a vast flood of inspiration and fresh ideas. Embrace these moments wholeheartedly! They present the perfect opportunity to upheave your typical universe..

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